If you don't follow Nienie on her pretty amazing blog you probably should.
She is a remarkable lady and I've always be impressed with her Mr. Nielson. Let's all be honest, I'm sure she's agree with me, he's pretty hot.
So here is what she wrote of him most recently:
"Tonight, I lay in bed. Awake. Wide awake.
Mr. Nielson lay next to me buzzing softly in a low hum.
In dreamland.
I think he is dreaming of the ranch and his role he will play as host as he
prepares to take my family up for our first Clark Family reunion.
I am thrilled to spend 4 days just with them.
Anyway, about Mr. Nielson.
He is amazing and I couldn't stop touching him as he lay sleeping.
Trying to make his floppy arms wrap around my cold body.
I stared at him, mugged on him, and told him
over and over again how much I loved him.
I told him why he makes me so happy, and how I am sorry for being a nag
(a lot of the time)
Since the accident, my muscles and coordination are not quite the same.
I can't lift the heavy things that I used to before.
I get frustrated easily and rely heavily on him for almost everything!
Tonight we lay together alone.
No one else or thing (computer) taking up our time and attention.
Just us, breathing the same air and touching close.
I am happier right now than anytime this whole day.
I look forward to 9:00 when the children find their way to bed
and Mr. Nielson and I find ours.
Sometimes it happens at midnight, but we always do- and together.
I will snooze off here soon, so I m trying to get in the right position where I can feel safe and happy. And that, is under his right arm and his left arm over my stomach. Perfect."
Nienie's Blog post
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