Monday, August 8, 2011

like any loving wife

First let me say that I’m a desk jockey as a Drupal nerd, web designer and all around geek.
I spend hours every day sitting in front of a monitor fixing code, creating graphics and configuring modules. To keep “in shape” (mind the quotes), I practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and on occasion, partake in the MMA cardio class at my gym. This happens less than I’d like, though.
This morning on vacation (and after setting up), I see a couple of people hanging out on the sand bar to the right of the shore. I convince myself that a 300-yard swim is a good idea; the logic being that my jiu-jitsu classes have prepared me enough to at least try. I tell my wife I’m heading to the sand bar and before she can object, I’m already in the water.
Halfway through my swim, I decided to take a break, as I was clearly winded. While floating there, I extended my leg to see how deep it was and to my surprise, I touch bottom. The five foot depth made it easy to take a break.
Now here is where my wife comes into this story, as she did not know that I could touch the floor nor that I was merely taking a break.
As she gets up to take a look at my progress, all she sees is my head but no movement. So like any loving wife might do, she calls 911.
I'm oblivious to her panic as I continue my swim. Once I reach the sand bar, I take a breather and proceed to explore the area.
Out of the corner of my eye I realize a crowd had gathered on the beach while ambulances pulled up to the shore. Beach patrol and lifeguards begin to pull up and stare as well. In my head, I’m now wondering “What happened? Who got hurt? Poor guy.”
At this point I realize all those people were there for little old me. My wife had managed to get the entire Sarasota response team to come rescue me from danger. Overkill? Yes. Nothing however, feels better than the love showed by your soulmate.
About the author: Omar is @pixelupper, a Drupal Jedi, Wordpress mechanic, front end engineer, photographer and gangster bike rider, among other things.

See the original post on the3six5

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